Thursday 2 October 2014

I think It's crazy this was made in the 1960's and they showed a lot of stuff that we have now like that whole thing with talking to someone on the monitor and they're somewhere else. I think this video shows us a large number of the high technologies which wait for us. For example robots which cooks alone. Etc.... I think that soon we'll have internet in our brain...  I began to wonder what will happen when our relationship with information gets even more intimate. How will we handle information overload, distraction, multitasking, and loss of focus when the infosphere can be downloaded into our brains... But... I'm an optimist, and I think we can find ways to overcome any hurdles that accompany these technological advancements. The thing is that as we go further into the future, each potential complication will become closer to becoming a disaster.


  1. OK, Tina but the video was not properly embedded. As a result, I cannot see it and your classmates will not be able to view it in class tomorrow if you do not insert it right now.
    Please do your best. This is very easy with the Blogger dashboard. Try again! (and insert the cartoon in the first post, too)

  2. This is not genuinely personal at all.
    SHAME ON YOU, Tina...
